Although the NMT had made remarkable achievements on particular translation experiments, researchers were wondering if the good performance persists on other tasks and can NMT indeed replace SMT. Accordingly, Junczys-Dowmunt et al. who performed experiments on the “United Nations Parallel Corpus” which involves 15 language pairs and 30 translation directions, and NMT was either on par with or surpassed SMT across all 30 translation directions in the experiment measured through BLEU scores which proves how promising NMT is.
When comparing NMT with SMT, we can see that NMT has some pros like:
NMT does not need prior domain knowledge with translation, which enables zero-shot translation.
NMT produces more fluent results.
NMT produces more phrase-similarities between different languages.
NMT is language-agnostic. You can use it basically for any language.
On the other side, there are still problems and challenges of NMT need to be tackled:
The training and decoding process is quite slow.
The style of translation can be inconsistent for the same word.
There exists an “out-of-vocabulary” problem on the translation results.
The “black-box” neural network mechanism leads to poor interpretability; thus the parameters for training are mostly picked based on experience.
Biases is very clear in NMT:

Because of the characteristics of NMT and its superiority over SMT, NMT also starts to be adopted by the industry recently:
In September 2016, the Google Translate team published a blog showing that they had started using NMT to replace Phrase-Based Machine Translation for Chinese-English translations on their product. The NMT they deployed is named Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT), and a paper: “Google’s Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation” was published at the same time to explain that model in details.
In 2017, Facebook AI Research (FAIR) announced their way of implementing NMT with CNN, which can achieve a similar performance as the RNN-based NMT while running nine times faster.
In June 2017, Google released a solely attention-based NMT model which used neither CNN nor RNN and purely based on the “attention” mechanism under the name “Attention is All you need”.
In July 2017, Amazon released their NMT implementation with MXNet.
Microsoft talked about their usage of NMT in 2016, although not revealed any further technical details yet.
In June 2017, two researchers from John Hopkins University published a paper under the name: Six Challenges for Neural Machine Translation which discusses the most urging problems in Neural Machine Translation systems in comparison with Statistical ones. And the found out that all problems can be summarized in six challenges as mentioned below; knowing that all NMT models used in this paper were trained using Nematus toolkit and all SMT models were trained using Moses toolkit:
Training Data Size
A well-known property of SMT systems is that increasing amounts of training data lead to better results. To measure the effect of the training data size on NMT systems in the paper, they built English-Spanish systems on WMT13 data of about 385.7 million English words paired with Spanish. To measure the effect of different training dataset size, they split the data in the following ratios: $\frac{1}{1024},\ \frac{1}{512},\ …\frac{1}{2},\ 1$ and measured the models performance at each data size as shown in the following figure:

As shown, NMT exhibits a much steeper learning curve starting with very bad results and ending with outperforming SMT, and even beating the SMT system with a big language model. The contrast between the NMT and SMT learning curves is quite striking which shows that NMT systems are superior when having enough data; while SMT systems are superior with small amount of training data.
Domain Mismatch
Domain in machine translation is defined by information from a specific source which could be different from other domains in topic, style, level of formality, complexity …etc. Same words in different domains have different translations and expressed in different styles. To measure how well Neural Machine Translation (NMT) and Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) hold up with domain mismatch, they trained five different systems using five different corpora from different domains as shown below:

They used German-English pairs with test sets sub-sampled from the data. A common byte-pair encoding (BPE) is used for all training runs. The following figure shows a comparison between NMT and SMT systems BLEU scores when trained on the corpora at the row and tested on the corpora at the column:

The previous figure shows that in-domain NMT and SMT systems are similar (NMT is better for IT and Subtitles, SMT is better for Law, Medical, and Koran), the out-of-domain performance for the NMT systems is worse in almost all cases.
A currently popular approach for domain adaptation is to train a general domain system, followed by training on in-domain data for a few epochs.
Rare Words
The next problem that we will discuss is the effect of rare words on NMT and SMT systems. To measure that effect, they used pre-trained NMT and SMT systems that have the same case-sensitive BLEU score of 34.5 on the WMT 2016 English-German news test set (for the NMT model, this reflects the BLEU score resulting from translation with a beam size of 1).
Then, they followed the approach described in this paper: Interpolated backoff for factored translation models for examining the effect of source word frequency on translation accuracy. This approach can be summarized in the following steps:
First, they align the source sentence and the machine translation output from each system using fast-align toolkit with “gdfa” (grow-diag-final-and).
Now, each source word is either unaligned (“dropped”) or aligned. For each target word that was aligned, they checked if that word appears in the reference translation or not.
If the target word appears the same number of times in the hypothesis as in the reference, they awarded the system a score of one.
If the target word appears more times in the hypothesis than in the reference, they awarded the system a fractional credit the equals to $\frac{\text{reference_count}}{\text{hypothesis_count}}$.
If the target word does not appear in the reference, they didn’t award the system.
Then, all scores over the full set of target words is averaged to compute the precision for that source word.
Finally, words are binned by frequency and average translation precisions can be computed.
The following figure shows the words-frequency bins on the x-axis and the average precision on the y-axis. The values above the horizontal axis represent precisions, while the lower portion represents what proportion of the words were dropped/deleted.

From the previous figure, the first item of note is that the NMT system has an overall higher proportion of deleted words. Of the 64379 words examined, the NMT system deleted 3769 while the SMT system deleted 2274. The next interesting observation is what happens with unknown words (left-most side of the figure). The SMT system translates these correctly 53.2% of the time, while the NMT system translates them correctly 60.1% of the time.
To sum up, Surprisingly, NMT systems (at least those using byte-pair encoding) is better than SMT systems on translation very infrequent words. However, both NMT and SMT systems do continue to have difficulty translating some infrequent words, particularly those belonging to highly-inflected categories.
Long Sentences
A well-known flaw of early encoder-decoder NMT models was the inability to properly translate long sentences. However, this was fixed by using the attention mechanism. To measure the effect of long sentences on NMT (with attention mechanism) and SMT systems, they used the large English-Spanish dataset (from before) and broke it up into buckets based on sentence length (1-9 subword tokens, 10-19 subword tokens, ... etc.) and computed corpus-level BLEU scores for each bucket.
The following figure shows that NMT is better than SMT in general, but SMT system outperforms NMT on sentences of length 60 and higher:

The quality for the two systems is relatively close, except for the very long sentences (80 and more tokens). The quality of the NMT system is dramatically lower for these since it produces too short translations.
Word Alignments
Some might think that the attention mechanism in NMT systems plays the role of the word alignment between the source and target sentences. To examine this, the researchers compared the soft attention matrix in NMT with word alignments obtained by fast-align toolkit. The following figure shows two the difference on two sentences (left when translating from English→German; right when doing the opposite):

As seen from the left example, most words match up pretty well and both are a bit fuzzy around the words “have-been” / “sind”. In the right example, all the alignment points appear to be off by one position despite the fact that the NMT translation quality was pretty good. Over all sentences, they measured how well the attention mechanism of the NMT system matches the alignments of fast-align using two metrics:
Match score: that checks for each output if the aligned input word according to fast-align is indeed the input word that received the highest attention probability.
Probability mass score: that sums up the probability mass given to each alignment point obtained from fast-align.
The following table shows alignment scores for the two systems. The results suggest that there is a big overlap between attention and word alignments keeping in mind that German–English was definitely an outlier:

These results shows that attention might look similar to word alignments. However, it suggests that it has a broader role. For instance, when translating a verb, attention may also be paid to its subject and object since these may disambiguate it.
Beam Search
In SMT and NMT, beam search is still the most used technique for decoding. Usually the translation quality in both system increases when a bigger beam size is chosen. But when comes to NMT, does this pattern go on forever?!
Actually, experiments run on the NMT system using 8 language pairs suggest otherwise. As shown below, worse translations are found beyond a certain beam size in almost all cases. The optimal beam size varies from 4 (Czech–English) to around 30 (English–Romanian).

Normalizing sentence level model scores by length of the output alleviates the problem somewhat and also leads to better optimal quality in most cases (5 of the 8 language pairs investigated). Based on these experiments, optimal beam sizes are in the range of 30--50 in almost all cases, but quality still drops with larger beams. The main cause of deteriorating quality are shorter translations under wider beams.