UT: Universal Transformer
In “Universal Transformers”, the researchers from Google extended the standard Transformer architecture to be computationally universal (Turing complete) using a novel, efficient flavor of parallel-in-time recurrence which yields stronger results across a wider range of tasks. This model was proposed by Google AI in 2018 and published in their paper: Universal Transformers. The official code of this paper can be found on the Tensor2Tensor official GitHub repository: tensor2tensor/universal_transformer.py.
The Universal Transformer (UT) combines the parallelizability of the Transformer and the recurrent inductive bias of RNNs, which seems to be better suited to a range of natural language understanding problems. As shown in the following figure, the Universal Transformer is based on the popular encoder-decoder architecture commonly used in most neural sequence-to-sequence models:

Unlike the standard transformer, Both the encoder and decoder of the Universal Transformer operate by applying a recurrent neural network to the representations of each of the positions of the input and output sequence, respectively. Now, let’s describe the encoder and decoder in more detail.

Given an input sequence of length $m$ and d-dimensional embeddings, we will have a matrix $H^{0} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}$. The UT then iteratively computes representations $H^{t}$ at step $t$ for all $m$ positions in parallel by applying:
- The first step in the encoder is to apply the position/time embedding. For the positions $1 \leq i \leq m$ and the time-step $1 \leq t \leq T$ separately for each vector-dimension $1 \leq j \leq d$, the position/time embedding $P^{t} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}$ is applied according to the following formula:
- The multi-headed self-attention mechanism defined before in the standard Transformer paper: Attention is all you need:
They map the state $H^{t}$ to queries, keys and values with affine projections using learned parameter matrices $W_{i}^{Q},W_{i}^{K},W_{i}^{V} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times \frac{d}{k}},W_{i}^{O} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ where $d$ is the embedding size and $k$ is the number of heads.
- The multi-headed self-attention is followed by a dropout and a residual connection:
- Then, the dropped-out multi-headed self-attention block is followed by a layer normalization accompanied by a transition function as shown below:
In the paper, they used one of two different $Transition()$ functions:
Either a separable convolution as described in the Xception paper.
Or a fully-connected neural network that consists of a single ReLU activation function between two affine transformations, applied to each row of $A^{t}$.
After $T$ steps (each updating all positions of the input sequence in parallel), the final output of the Universal Transformer encoder is a matrix $H^{t} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}$ for the $m$ symbols of the input sequence.

The decoder shares the same basic structure of the encoder. However, after the self-attention function, the decoder additionally also attends to the final encoder representation $H^{t}$. The encoder-decoder Multi-head attention uses the same multihead self-attention function but with queries Q obtained from projecting the decoder representations, and keys and values (K and V ) obtained from projecting the encoder representations.
Like the Transformer model, the UT is autoregressive; meaning it produces its output one symbol at a time. Which means that the decoder self-attention distributions are masked so that the model can only attend to positions to the left of any predicted symbol.
To generate the output, the per-symbol target distributions are obtained by applying an affine transformation $O \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times V}$ from the final decoder state to the output vocabulary size $V$ followed by a softmax which yields an ($m \times V$)-dimensional output matrix normalized over its rows:
\[p\left( y_{\text{pos}} \middle| y_{\left\lbrack 1:pos - 1 \right\rbrack},\ H^{T} \right) = \text{softmax}\left( OH^{T} \right)\]Note that $H^{T}$ is the encoder’s final output, not the transpose of $H$.
Dynamic Halting
In sequence processing systems, certain symbols (e.g. some words or phonemes) are usually more ambiguous than others. It is therefore reasonable to allocate more processing resources to these more ambiguous symbol. Adaptive Computation Time (ACT) is mechanism implemented to do exactly that in standard RNNs.
Inspired by it, the researchers of this paper added a dynamic ACT halting mechanism to each symbol of the encoder. Once the per-symbol recurrent block halts, its state is simply copied to the next step until all blocks halt, or we reach a maximum number of steps.
This dynamic halting was implemented in TensorFlow as follows. In each step of the UT with dynamic halting, we are given the halting probabilities, remainders, number of updates up to that point, and the previous state (all initialized as zeros), as well as a scalar threshold between 0 and 1 (a hyper-parameter).
def should_continue(u0, u1, halting_probability, u2, n_updates, u3):
return tf.reduce_any(
tf.less(halting_probability, threshold),
tf.less(n_updates, max_steps)))
# Do while loop until above is false
(_, _, _, remainder, n_updates, new_state) = tf.while_loop(
(state, step, halting_probability, remainders, n_updates, previous_state))
Then, they compute the new state for each position and calculate the new per-position halting probabilities based on the state for each position. The UT then decides to halt for some positions that crossed the threshold, and updates the state of other positions until the model halts for all positions or reaches a predefined maximum number of steps:
def ut_with_dynamic_halting(state, step, halting_probability, remainders, n_updates, previous_state):
# calculate the probabilities based on the state
p = common_layers.dense(state, 1, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, use_bias=True)
# mask of inputs which have not halted at this step
still_running = tf.cast(tf.less(halting_probability, 1.0) tf.float32)
# mask of inputs which halted at this step
new_halted = tf.cast(tf.greater(halting_probability + p * still_runing, threshold) tf.float32) * still_running
# mask of inputs which have not halted and didn\'t halt at this step
still_running = tf.cast(tf.less_equal(halting_probability + p * still_runing, threshold) tf.float32) * still_running
# Add the halting probability for this step to the halting
# probabilities for those inputs which haven\'t halted yet
halting_probability += p * still_running
# compute remainders for the inputs which halted at this step
remainders += new_halted * (1 - halting_probability)
# compute remainders for the inputs which halted at this step
halting_probability += new_halted * remainders
# increment n_updates for all inputs which are still running
n_updates += still_running + new_halted
# compute the weight to be applied to the new state and output
# 0 when the input has already halted,
# p when the input hasn\'t halted yet,
# the remainders when it halted this step.
update_weights = tf.expand_dims(p * still_running + new_halted * remainders, -1)
# apply transformation to the state
transformed_state = transition(self_attention(state))
# Interpolate transformed and previous states for non-halted inputs
new_state = (transformed_state * updated_weights) + ( previous_state * (1 - update_weights))
# increment steps
steps += 1
return (transformed_state, step, halting_probability, remainders, n_updates, new_state)
Machine Translation
In the paper, they trained a Universal Transform on the WMT 2014 English-German translation task using the same setup as in the standard transformer in order to evaluate its performance on a large-scale sequence-to-sequence task. The universal transformer improves by 0.9 BLEU over the standard Transformer and 0.5 BLEU over a Weighted Transformer with approximately the same number of parameters:

The $Transition()$ function used here is a fully-connected recurrent transition function. Also, the dynamic ACT halting wasn’t used.