WaveNet is a generative deep neural network for generating raw audio waveforms based on PixelCNN architecture. WaveNet was proposed by Deep Mind in 2016 and published in this paper: WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio. The official audio samples outputted from the trained WaveNet by Google is provided in this website. The unofficial TensorFlow implementation for WaveNet can be found in this GitHub repository: tensorflow-wavenet.
The authors introduce WaveNet as a generic and flexible framework for tackling many applications that rely on audio generation, like TTS, music generation, speech enhancement, voice conversion, source separation, ..etc. When applying WaveNet to TTS task, it yields near-human level performance. When applied to model music, it generates novel and often highly realistic musical fragments.
WaveNet is generative model operating directly on the raw audio waveform. The joint probability of generating a waveform $X = \left\{ x_{1},\ x_{2},\ …\ x_{T} \right\}$ is factorized as a product of conditional probabilities where each audio sample $x_{t}$ is therefore conditioned on the samples at all previous timesteps as shown below:
\[p\left( X \right) = \prod_{t = 1}^{T}{p\left( x_{t} \middle| x_{1},\ x_{2},\ ...\ x_{t - 1} \right)}\]Architecture
The following figure is the WaveNet architecture. As we can see from the figure, WaveNet consists of three main components: Causal Convolution layers, Gated Activation, Residual and Skip connections. In the following part, we are going to talk about each component in more details:

Note: Later in the speech community, WaveNet were used as a Vocoder which takes audio spectrograms as input and returns waveforms as output. And that’s because of its ability to operate on images as input.
Dilated Causal Convolution
By using causal convolutions, we make sure the model cannot violate the ordering in which we model the data: the prediction $p\left( x_{t + 1} \middle| x_{1},\ x_{2},\ …\ x_{t} \right)$ emitted by the model at timestep $t$ cannot depend on any of the future timesteps $x_{> t + 1}$ as shown in the following figure:

One of the problems of causal convolutions is that they require many layers, or large filters to increase the receptive field. For example, in the previous figure, the receptive field is equal to $\text{# layers + filter length} - 1 = 5$. In WaveNet, authors use dilated convolutions instead to increase the receptive field by orders of magnitude, without greatly increasing computational cost.
A dilated convolution (also called “à trous”, or convolution with holes) is a convolution where the filter is applied over an area larger than its length by skipping input values with a certain step. This is similar to pooling or strided convolutions, but here the output has the same size as the input. Stacking layers enable networks to have very large receptive fields, while preserving the input resolution throughout the network as well as computational efficiency. In this paper, the dilation starts at 1, then doubled for every layer up to 512, , and then repeated three times forming 30 dilated layers:

Dilated convolution with $dilation = 1$ yields the standard convolution.
Gated Activation Units
After the dilated causal convolution layers, the input features $X$ are passed to the Gated Activation Units resulting into output features $Z$ according to the following equation:
\[Z = \tanh\left( W_{f,k} \ast X \right)\bigodot\ \sigma\left( W_{g,k} \ast X \right)\]Where $\ast$ denotes a convolution operator, $\bigodot$ denotes an element-wise multiplication operator, $\sigma()$ is a sigmoid function, $k$ is the layer index, $f$ and $g$ denote filter and gate, respectively, and $W$ is a learnable convolution filter.
Residual & Skip Connections
Both residual and parameterized skip connections are used throughout the network, to speed up convergence and enable training of much deeper models. To be continued...
Experiments & Results
To measure WaveNet’s audio modelling performance, they evaluated it on three different tasks: multi-speaker speech generation (not conditioned on text), TTS, and music audio modelling.
Mutli-speaker Speech Generation
This task is all about generating human-like speech. Since the generation is not conditioned on text, it generates non-existent but human language-like words in a smooth way with realistic sounding intonations. In this task, WaveNet was trained on the English multi-speaker corpus from CSTR voice cloning toolkit (VCTK). The dataset consisted of 44 hours of data from 109 different speakers.
Since this task is conditioned on the speaker, they decided to use a slight different version of WaveNet called “Conditional WaveNet” where the joint probability is also condition on the speaker embedding $h$ which is a one-hot vector representing the speaker. Everything in the architecture remains the same, but the Gated Activation Unit become:
\[Z = \tanh\left( W_{f,k} \ast X + V_{f,k}^{\intercal}h \right)\bigodot\ \sigma\left( W_{g,k} \ast X + V_{g,k}^{\intercal}h \right)\]A single WaveNet was able to model speech from any of the speakers by conditioning it on a one-hot encoding of a speaker. This confirms that it is powerful enough to capture the characteristics of all 109 speakers from the dataset in a single model. They also observed that adding speakers resulted in better validation set performance compared to training solely on a single speaker. This suggests that WaveNet’s internal representation was shared among multiple speakers.
Finally, they observed that the model also picked up on other characteristics in the audio apart from the voice itself. For instance, it also mimicked the acoustics and recording quality, as well as the breathing and mouth movements of the speakers.
For this task, they trained WaveNet on an internal dataset for both English and Mandarin. The English dataset contains $24.6$ hours of speech data, and the Mandarin dataset contains 34.8 hours; both were spoken by professional female speakers.
For this task, WaveNet was locally conditioned on linguistic features. So, they used the “conditional WaveNet” network the same as they did with the “multi-speaker speech generation task”.
The following table shows the Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) test results. It can be seen from the table that WaveNets achieved 5-scale MOSs in naturalness above 4.0, which were significantly better than those from the baseline systems.