Subword Embedding
Methods such as word2vec or GloVe ignore the internal structure of words and associate each word (or word sense) to a separate vector representation. For morphologically rich languages, there may be a significant number of rare word forms such that either a very large vocabulary must be maintained or a significant number of words are treated as out-of-vocabulary (OOV).
As previously stated, out-of-vocabulary words can significantly impact performance due to the loss of context from rare words. An approach that can help deal with this limitation is the use of subword embeddings proposed by this paper: “Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information”, where vector representations $z_{g}$ are associated with character n-grams g and words $w_{i}$ are represented by the sum of the n-gram vectors:
\[w_{i} = \sum_{g \in \mathbb{G}_{w}}^{}z_{g}\]For instance, the vector for the word “take” consists of the sum of the vectors for the n-grams {t, a, k, e, <t, ta, ke, , e>, <ta, tak, ake, ke>} when $n \in \lbrack 1,2,3\rbrack$ as show in the following figure:

As n-grams are shared across words, this allows for representation of even unseen words since an OOV word will still consist of n-grams that will have representations. Subword embeddings can significantly boost NLP tasks such as language modeling and text classification.