Very Deep Transformer
Using a simple yet effective initialization technique that stabilizes training, researchers at Microsoft Research were able to build very deep Transformer models with up to 60 encoder layers. These models were explored in this paper published in 2020: Very Deep Transformers for Neural Machine Translation. The official code for this paper can be found in the following GitHub repository: exdeep-nmt.

I suggest reading the Transformer post first before going on especially the part about “Layer Normalization”.
The capacity of a neural network influences its ability to model complex functions. Very deep neural network models have proved successful in computer vision such as ResNet-101 and Inception networks. In NMT, researchers from Google have shown in this paper: Training Deeper Neural Machine Translation Models with Transparent Attention (published in 2018) that it is difficult to train deep Transformers whose encoder depth is increased beyond 12 layers as shown in the following table:

In the previous table, * indicates that a model failed to train. As we can see, Transformers beyond 12 layers all failed to train. And that’s due to gradient vanishing; since the error signal needs to traverse along the depth of the encoder.
That’s why models with “Transparent” attention were able to train. “Transparent Attention” behaves akin to creating trainable weighted residual connections along the encoder depth, allowing the dispersal of error signal simultaneously over encoder depth and time.
In this paper, they are re-investigating the deeper Transformer models but with a new initialization technique called ADMIN which remedies the problem. This enables training Transformers that are significantly deep.
ADMIN Initialization
The ADMIN initialization technique was proposed in 2020 by researchers from Microsoft and published in this paper: Understanding the difficulty of training transformers. This technique reformulates the layer-normalization equation. First, let’s recap the layer normalization formula used in the Transformer model:
\[x_{i} = \text{LayerNom}\left( x_{i - 1} + f\left( x_{i - 1} \right) \right)\]Where $f$ represents either the attention function or the feed-forward sub-layer. This process repeats $2 \times N$ times for a $N$-layer encoder and $3 \times M$ times for a $M$-layer decoder. ADMIN reformulates this equation by using a constant vector $\omega_{i}$ that is element-wise multiplied to $x_{i - 1}$ in order to balance the contribution against $f\left( x_{i - 1} \right)$:
\[x_{i} = \text{LayerNom}\left( x_{i - 1}.\omega_{i} + f\left( x_{i - 1} \right) \right)\]ADMIN initialization method is effective in ensuring that training does not diverge, even in deep networks. It involves two phases:
Profiling Phase: At the profiling phase, we follow these steps:
We randomly initialize the model parameters and we set $\omega_{i} = 1$.
Then, we and perform one step forward pass.
Then, compute the variance of the residual output at each layer:
Training Phase: At the training phase, we follow these steps:
- We fix $\omega_{i}$ to be:
Then, train the model like normal.
After training is finished, $\omega_{i}$ can be removed to recover the standard Transformer architecture.
The following figure shows the learning curve of 60L-12L Transformer when initialized with the default initialization once and with ADMIN once. As we can see, the default initialization has difficulty decreasing the training perplexity; its gradients hit NaN, and the resulting model is not better than a random model.

Experiments were conducted using Transformers with 512-dim word embedding, 2048 feed-forward model size, and 8 heads on standard WMT’14 English-French (36 Million) dataset using 40k subword vocabulary, and English-German (4.5 Million) dataset using 32k subword vocabulary. They used max tokens of 3584 in each batch. They used RAdam optimizer with two configurations:
French-English: 8000 warm-up steps, 50 max epochs, and 0.0007 as learning rate.
German-English: 4000 warm-up steps, 50 max epochs, and 0.001 as learning rate.
The following table shows the test results on WMT’14 benchmarks, in terms of TER (T↓), METEOR (M↑), and BLEU. ∆ shows difference in BLEU score against baseline 6L-6L. As we can see, 60L-12L ADMIN outperforms all other models and achieves new state-of-the-art benchmark results on WMT14 English-French (43.8 BLEU and 46.4 BLEU with back-translation) and WMT14 English-German (30.1 BLEU):

The following figure shows the BLEU score over multiple sentence length ranges of 6L-6L default Transformer versus 60L-12L ADMIN transformer which indicates that Very Deep Transformer shows progress over all sentence lengths.

Same results can be seen in the following figure when considering the word frequency. As we can see, Very Deep Transformers improve translation of low frequency and high frequency words as well:

Also, they experimented with different number of encoder and decoder layers and results are shown in the following table where (+) means the row outperforms the column, (-) means under-performs, and (=) means no statistically significant difference.

The pairwise comparison of models shown that deeper encoders are more worthwhile than deeper decoders.