Convolutional Transformer
Recently, Transformer architecture has been shown to perform very well for neural machine translation and many other NLP tasks. There has been recent research interest in using transformer networks for end-to-end ASR both with CTC loss (e.g SAN-CTC) and with encoder-decoder architecture (e.g Speech-Transformer). In this paper “Transformers with convolutional context for ASR” published in 2019, researchers from FAIR try to adapt the Transformer architecture to the speech recognition task by replacing the positional embedding in the architecture with convolution network.
See, positional embedding was added to the Transformer architecture to model word order in the machine translation task. However, it is not suitable for audio data and that’s why FAIR researchers have proposed to use 2-D convolutional layers over input speech features in the encoder, and by 1-D convolutional layers over previously generated outputs in the decoder. The official code for this paper can be found in the FairSeq repository: fairseq/speech_recognition. And the full architecture of the proposed model can be seen in the following figure:

Convolutional Context
The encoder architecture to the proposed model is exactly the same as the Transformer’s encoder. The only difference is the usage of 2D convolutional layers with layer norms and ReLU instead of the of the positional encodings. Each convolutional block contains $K$ convolutional layers followed by a 2-D max pooling layer. According to the paper, using a relatively deep encoder is critical for getting good performance.
For the decoder, they used 1-D convolutions over embeddings of previously predicted words with its end point at the current time step. Very similar to the decoder masked attention that makes sure that self-attention is only running over current and previous time steps to respect the auto-regression nature of the decoder output generation.
Experiments were performed on the Librispeech dataset. Input speech was represented as 80-D log mel-filterbank coefficients plus three fundamental frequency features computed every $10ms$ with a $25ms$ window. For subword tokenization, they used 5k “unigram” subword target units learned by the Sentence Piece package with full coverage of all training text data. The standard convolutional tranformer baseline model used in most experiments has the following configuration:
Encoder has two 2-D convolutional blocks, each with two conv. layers with kernel size=3, max-pooling kernel=2. The first block has 64 feature maps while the second has 128. It has 10 encoder transformer blocks all with dim=1024, 16 heads, a linear layer size=2048 with ReLU activation. -
Decoder has three 1-D convolutional layers each with kernel size=3, and no max pooling and the input word embedding dim=512. It also has 10 decoder transformer blocks each with encoder-side multihead attention.
For regularization, they used a single dropout rate of $15\%$ across all blocks. For model optimization, they used the AdaDelta algorithm with fixed learning rate of $1.0$ and gradient clipping at $10.0$. All experiments were run for $80$ epochs, then results were reported by averaging the last $30$ checkpoints without any external language model and with beam size of 5 during inference.
The following table compares the proposed Convolutional Transformer model to other previously published results on the Librispeech dataset. Compared to models with no external LM, the proposed model brings $12\%$ to $16\%$ relative WER reduction on the acoustically challenging “dev other” and “test other” subsets of Librispeech which suggests that the convolutional tranformer indeed learns long-range acoustic characteristics of speech.

Ablation Study
First, they studied the performance of Convolutional Transformer compared to alternative architectures and positional encoding schemes. The following table shows the WER on different LibriSpeech sets where:
First row: shows the Convolutional Transformer baseline model.
Second row: shows the same model as the “first row” but after replacing the 1-D convolutional context in the decoder with sinusoidal positional embedding.
Third row: shows a model where sinusoidal and convolutional position embedding were combined.
Fourth row: shows the baseline model where the encoder has only one attention layer.
Fifth row: shows the baseline model but after increasing the number of attention heads to the double.
Sixth row: shows the baseline model but after Increasing the intermediate ReLU layer in each encoder and decoder layer.

The table shows that replacing the 1-D convolutional context in the decoder with sinusoidal positional embedding shows inferior WER performance. And combining sinusoidal with convolutional embedding doesn’t show any gains which indicates that using convolutional embedding was just enough. Also, it shows that increasing the intermediate ReLU layer improves the overall WER.
To better understand these results, they have studied the effects of different hyperparameter settings on the performance. The following table shows the effect of different decoder convolutional context sizes spread over different depths:

As shown in the table, the best performance comes from using wider context that is built over multiple convolutional layers. However, the decoder is able to get reasonable WER even with a context of just 3 words as input to the transformer layers. To check the effect of fixing the encoder depth while changing the decoder depth and vice versa, they have trained multiple models with different depths where the total sum of encoder and decoder depths, as well as using same depth on both sides all the way up to 14 transformer layers. The following table shows that having a deeper decoder, although not as critical, showed better overall performance.